Grand Valley United Methodist Church
August 2024 Newsletter
In this newsletter:
1. From the Pastor
2. GV Days Pancake Breakfast & Bake Sale
3. Office Help
4. Shoe Distribution
5. Birthdays
6. Calendar
7. Group Details
8. Church Reports
9. Just for Fun
From the Pastor….
Well, it’s August and I am trying to figure out what happened to the seven months that we have already lived. It was just yesterday that we celebrated New Years, wasn’t it? Wow! time goes fast. So, sitting here thinking about what happened in the last seven months I am also thinking about the next five. As a result of my reflecting there is a couple of things that stand out.
The first is the routine that will begin in the fall. I like a routine for the most part. It offers a comfort and predictability that I can count on. The second thing that stands out is my desire to be back in community with fellow clergy.
It is easy at the end of the summer months to find that you have pulled away from groups and people that make up your community. This happens easily enough because when we stop a routine there becomes a void in our lives. Nature hates a void, so we fill it with things like work, hobbies, or TV and sometimes a crisis can break a routine. Whatever it is that stops us from being in community, we need to work as hard as we can to get back into a supportive group of people.
I came across this story that brings home the point that we need each other, we need community. ‘”A man who lost his wife to cancer found himself wanting to be alone. In time he dropped out of his worshipping community and curtailed all of the activities he and his wife had shared for so many years. He increasingly kept to himself. He quit socializing at work and returned straight home to an empty house. He turned down invitations from friends and co-workers. His leisure time was now spent watching television or working in his shop in the basement.
His contact with people dwindled until friends became alarmed that he might live out his life as a recluse. One came by to visit and to invite him over for supper the next evening. The two old friends sat in comfortable chairs by a warm fireplace. The visitor extended the dinner invitation and encouraged him to come. “You may need to allow others to share your pain.”
The man responded that he figured he was better off without being around other people. After all, others only seemed to remind him of all he had lost. “And besides,” he said, “it’s just too difficult to get out anymore.”
They sat in silence for a while, watching the wood burn in the fireplace. Then the visitor did an unusual thing. He took tongs from a rack by the fireplace, reached into the fire, pulled out a flaming ember and laid it down by itself on the hearth. “That’s you,” he said.
The men sat in silence watching the red-hot ember. It slowly lost its glow. Neither man looked away as the once-hot coal gradually transformed into a crusty, black lump. After some moments, the widower turned to his companion and said, “I get the message, my friend. I’ll be over tomorrow evening.””’
We cannot survive in a healthy way by ourselves. The leaf needs the branch. The branch needs the trunk. The trunk needs the roots. And the roots need the rest of the tree. We are connected. And in that connection we find life and vitality. See you at church.
Grand Valley Days
Grand Valley Days will be held on August 16th-18th and we will be hosting our annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, August 17th from 7-10 a.m. The cost will be $7.00. We will need help that morning. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Dan Temple.
We will also be having a bake sale that day starting at 9:00 and running until there is nothing left. If you can help with this, please contact Michelle Foster.
Karen Dornan’s husband, Brian, has retired and Karen is staying on as our Office Manager (Thank you, Karen.) His retirement gives them more flexibility in taking trips and the length of those trips. That’s what you are supposed to do during retirement, right? But GVUMC cannot be closed more frequently or for two weeks at a time. So, the Council is asking if there are people who might be willing to cover the office, Wednesdays – Friday, from 9-12, when Karen is gone. There would be minor duties such as answer the telephone, change the sign out front and talk to any walk-ins. Karen lets us know well in advance when she is going to be gone for a period of time. If you are willing to possibly help out, please call Karen during office hours and she will compile a list.
The Council thanks you in advance for your willingness to help out.
UPDATE: Karen’s first long vacation will be September 19-October 6. She will work Monday, September 16 -Wednesday, September 18 the week that she leaves. The office will be covered September 25-27 and October 2-4. Thank you, Penelope, Jane and Adelia!
Annual Shoe Distribution
We will be having our annual shoe distribution for school children on Friday, August 2nd. We will need help on this day, so if you are available, please contact Laurel. And as always, we welcome monetary help!
New Tuesday Bible Study Topic
Our Tuesday Bible Study group will be starting the Beatitudes (the Sermon on the Mount and the 8 blessings) as their weekly study. This group meets at 10:30 every Tuesday – feel free to join us!
August Birthdays:
2 – Liz Larson
4 – Sharon Temple
5 – Karen Gibson
6 – Phil Gibson & Zoe Fowler
11 – Jim Landrum
22 – Al Reuter
25 – Dan Temple
27 – Roxann Ingersoll
28 – Ron Olson
29 – Luke Smith
Our Seekers Class(Adult Sunday School) meets every Sunday morning at 8:30. We invite all to attend.
Please join us on Tuesdays at 10:30 for our new Bible study, The Beatitudes. All are welcome.
Join us for Bible Study every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope you can join us.
Choir and bells are on summer hiatus. They will resume after Labor Day. We are always looking for participants, so if you would like to join either of these wonderful musical groups, please contact the office at (970)285-9892 or by email: [email protected]
Prayer Partners meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 10:30. If you have anyone that you would like to add to the Prayer Partner list, please contact Bert Botkin at (970)216-8682.
Our Ambassadors (Care Team) meet on the 2nd Friday at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
Church Council Report
The meeting was called to order on Tuesday, July 9 by Ron Olson. Ron Olson, Penelope Olson, Michelle Foster, Bert Botkin, John Chapman, Dan Temple, Al Reuter, Michael Ingersoll, and Lee Allen were present.
Treasurer’s report: Penelope stated we can add $539.00 to the balance as interest paid on a CD (just came in), and add $1271.00 in unrealized gain. The CD that matured June 5th was reinvested for six months at 5%. A CD that matures July 18th will be renewed for two years. Bert Botkin moved and John Chapman seconded that $181.00 left over from the donations to help the Braspenninxes be sent to them. Motion carried.
Finance: Michelle reported that renewal of the CD maturing July 18th will be reinvested for two years at 4.59%, an increase in interest.
Mission: Bert Botkin reported the shoe distribution will be August 2nd. The garden is doing very well.
Trustees: John reported usual maintenance: sprinkler heads replaced in the old system, root destroyer added to the Faith House drain, which is working now. B&B Plumbing and Heating of Rifle has given us an estimate of about $3000.00 to replace the pan in the cooler at Faith House. Penelope moved we have them replace it, Al seconded. Motion carried.
Worship: Michelle stated the committee will meet at 1:30 on the second Tuesday of each month instead of 1.00.
Education: Bert reported no Sunday School in the summer. VBS did very well with 40 children attending.
Pastor’s report: Michael will be on vacation the latter part of July and into August.
Old Business: Michael reported there was no feedback regarding the Council meeting with the District Superintendent.
New Business: Al suggested we do a new directory. He will look into various companies.
Michelle reminded us of the Pancake Breakfast and Bake Sale on August 17th.
Last month, I reported that, year-to-date, the Church was showing a loss. Well, I was wrong. I had a formula wrong in my financial statements that overstated expenses. In fact, year-to-date at the end of May, the Church was in the black by almost $4,300 instead of being in the red by $1,900 as previously stated. My apologies.
During June, a certificate of participation with the Methodist Helping Methodist Foundation (like a CD) was renewed for six months at 5%. There is another one coming due in July, currently paying 3%, that is being renewed for two years at 4.59% APY. The total of the Church’s cash in the checking and money markets as of the end of June was $21,265 and the total investments were $209,179. Of these assets, $62,314 are designated for particular projects or memorials.
As the song goes, “June is bustin’ out all over.” Financially, June was a good month. Contributions were up, investment income was up, other income was up, and expenses were down. The Church ended up in the black by almost $3,900. Year-to-date, that put it in the black by just under $8,200. It had been anticipated that there would be a deficit of $2,800 at this point. Thank you very much for your support and for making my job easy.
As always, the financials are posted on the bulletin board.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Penelope Olson
[email protected], 231-383-0488
The following appeared in church bulletins or were announced at church services:
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be “What is Hell?” Come early and listen to our choir practice.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
This evening at 7 pm there will be hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 pm. Please use the back door.
The Associate Minister unveiled the church’s new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday: “I Upped My Pledge – Up Yours.”
This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.
Hope these put a smile on your face…..
Church Contact Information
PO Box 125
Parachute CO 81635
[email protected]
Wednesday – Friday
9:00 – noon