Grand Valley United Methodist Church
October 2021 Newsletter
In this newsletter:
1. World Communion Sunday
2. Church Office Closed
3. Mountain Sky Conference
4. Birthdays
5. Calendar
6. Event Details
7. Pastor’s Report
8. Church Reports
9. New Swap Section
10. Just for Fun
World Communion Sunday Mission Moments
According to the 1972 Book of Discipline paragraph 163.b there shall be a World Communion (formerly Fellowship of Suffering and Service) offering to support the division of chaplains and ministries, Crusade Scholarships and the scholarship fund for minority groups.
Around the globe, countless gifted and qualified people face financial obstacles that hinder them from preparing for the vocation God has given them, especially youth and young adults. For ethnic students who will be the first generation in their families to attend college, or for those people of color who haven’t historically had access to resources that make higher education possible, the road toward education has often been unwieldy.
What would it look like if the church today imitated Jesus’ affirmation of the full dignity and God-given potential of all women and men—especially those who’ve historically been assigned to the world’s margins? On World Communion Sunday your giving helps to provide scholarships for national and international graduate students whom God has gifted to learn and to serve.
Equipping Disciples Like Mary Grace to Serve in Jesus’ Name
As a small child Mary Grace Galapon labored as a housemaid in exchange for food and clothing. Yet, allowed to attend church, she found hope. As a member of The United Methodist Church, your giving on World Communion Sunday has allowed this deaconess, of the Mindanao Philippines Annual Conference, to pursue an education that is now changing her community as she works to eliminate poverty.
Mary Grace’s work, and the impact of hundreds more like her, are possible because you give.
Will You Equip World-Changers?
Will you give generously on World Communion Sunday to make education and vocational impact possible for more students, like Mary Grace? Will you equip gifted and qualified students from around the globe to become the world-changers God created them to be?
Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” And because the people of The United Methodist Church believe that all of God’s children have been created and gifted to build the kingdom Jesus ushered in, we’re resourcing them to do just that. Because of your giving on World Communion Sunday, the most powerful tool to change the world is in more hands.
Give Now! World Communion Sunday is Sunday, October 3rd.
To give by mail:
Send checks to:
P.O. Box 340029
Nashville, TN 37203
Please put name of Sunday in note section.
PO Box 125
Parachute CO 81635
Please put “World Communion Sunday” in the memo section
The church office will be closed October 13th, 14th and 15th as Karen will be gone on vacation that week. The office will resume normal hours on October 20th.
Mark your calendars!! The Mountain Sky Conference Annual Conference will be held in Ogden, Utah on October 21st-24th. More information is available at
October Birthdays:
1 – Bonnie Palmer
2 – Jean Ives
10 – Mary Jane Wahlman
12 – Allison Kohn
12 – Opal Morgenthaler
13 – Jane Chapman
16 – Lee Wegner
17 – Stacey Atkins
19 – Michelle Foster
21 – Joe Cason
21 – Nancy Slocum
25 – Hope Perrine
26 – Chance Mackey
19 – Howie Orona
The next UMW meeting will be held on Thursday, October 7th at 10:00 in the Fellowship Hall. We hope you can join us!
Prayer Partners meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 10:00. If you have anyone that you would like to add to the Prayer Partner list, please contact either Bert Botkins at (970)216-8682, the church office at (970)285-9892 or send an email to: [email protected]
Join us for Bible Study every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We always look forward to the great discussions that ensue during this study.
Our Bell Choir and Choir are up and running! Rehearsals are on Wednesday afternoon – Bells at 3:00 and Choir at 4:00. We are always looking for participants, so if you would like to join either of these wonderful musical groups, please contact the office at (970)285-9892 or by email: [email protected]
Rev. J.R. Atkins
Grand Valley United Methodist Church
September 2021 Pastor’s Report
1. Church Goals – The team working on goals plans to meet on September 29 from 1:00-3:00 to
discuss and write up possible goals for the coming year. They will be presented to the church for
feedback on Sunday October 3rd and 10th. The team will meet again on October 19 at 12:00 to
finalize the church goals which will be presented to the church on Sunday October 24th. Please
share your goals so all voices are heard. So far, the goals team consists of the following people:
Penelope Olson, Michelle Foster, Robin Troche, Ron Olson, and Ted Birdsill.
2. Robin Troche new role – A team of members interested in Children and youth education met
this month to choose a curriculum for Sunday school and the Friday evening program. Those
present were Bert Botkin, Mary Jane Wahlman, Bonnie Gana, Judy Beasley, Elaine Winter,
Robin Troche and me. We also asked if Robin would be willing to serve as the leader of Child
and Youth Education and she accepted. Robin plans to work from the church on Fridays and is
excited about inviting more children and youth to church events and programs.
3. Charge Conference – Each year, the church addresses plans and roles for people for the coming
year and presents these to the congregation and our District Superintendent at a meeting called
a “Charge Conference.” We are hoping our gathering will occur in December giving us time to
finalize our goals and form a nominating committee for church roles in 2022. Anyone interested
in serving in a church role in the coming year, please let me know.
4. Annual Conference – Each year pastors and church delegates meet over three days to worship
and address business of the conference. Due to COVID, this event will again occur online. Our
delegate for Annual Conference is Penelope Olson. Anyone may attend an Annual Conference as
a guest. Registration is open at the conference website The dates are
October 22 and 23.
Peace be with you,
Pastor J.R. Atkins.
UMW Report
Due to numerous illnesses, the September meeting was cancelled. The next meeting is October 7th at 10:00. See you there!
Church Council Report
The Trustees had been busy with getting the Faith House basement door and attic stairs replaced and have put in an order for a new, birch sanctuary door. The sanctuary door will take eight weeks to get, so it will still be a while yet before that will be replaced. They have also obtained some quotes for painting the Church and Faith House, but want to get them on the same specs, so it was not decided at the meeting what to do. However, we should see this painting done before the end of fall!
You will be seeing a few changes around the sanctuary and church. The Worship Committee is going to put up hangers around the sanctuary so that banners may be hung on the side walls. The nametag board is going to be moved by the backdoor so that you may easily grab yours before going into the sanctuary. Because we have so many new people coming to Church, please start wearing your nametag. One of the bulletin boards from the front of the hall will be moved back to where the nametags were so that you may see it’s content on the way to fellowship.
Would you like to read the scripture, but have trouble getting up to the microphone? Not to worry, you will be able to read for us. We will bring the microphone down to you until we can get a short handrail installed on the wall for you to use to step up to the stand and microphone. So, please, do not let that hold you back from being a reader.
The group welcomed Robin Troche to the meeting as the Church’s new Child and Youth Education leader. Robin is excited about her position and has selected the curriculum “Celebrate Wonder” which is a multiage curriculum. She explained to us that transportation is a problem, as there are children out there who would or might like to come but have no way of getting here. She suggested that, for the long-term, we look for a donation of a sixteen-seater van for the Church. Anyone who drives it will have to have a background check, and have another adult with them. We would set up a pick-up route. Note this is a long-term goal.
Robin also would like to have special events/dinners for all holidays. She will work with the Missions and Outreach committee on the ones that they already do, but wants to include holidays such as Halloween and New Year’s. Welcome, Robin, and thank you for taking this position and your enthusiasm.
Finally, Fred surprised all of us with the announcement that Sara Orona and Ivo Lindauer are donating a new Boston Performance Edition II grand piano to the Church. Once it is received, we will plan a dedication concert.
As always, if anyone wishes to read the complete minutes of the Council meeting of September 21st, please let me know.
Penelope Olson
Mission & Outreach
No report
The Trustees have been busy starting on some of the projects that needed to be done around the Church. The dead tree next to the Faith House is gone and the tree in the open area to the north side of the Church has been dramatically trimmed back for the health of the tree and safety reasons. This comes at a cost of $4,000 but is necessary. They have also ordered new doors for the sanctuary and the Bilco doors to the basement of the Faith House. And the attic ladder has been replaced.
You also donated an additional $2,410 for shoes. The total amount donated for shoes and socks this year was $3,473! The money that was not spent, I understand, will be transferred to Grand Valley Givers after asking the Council for permission to do so. Thanks to everyone who provided funds to allow this showing of God’s Love to go forward.
The Church continues to be able to pay their tithe to the Mountain Sky Conference do to your support. The tithe covers many things, including giving to many missions. Many people come to our Church, asking for help – for gas, a meal, rent money, money to pay for utilities, and the like. There is a special fund, that had been funded by 5 on the 5th, but is now simply part of the budget as we have moved away from 5 on the 5th. This fund gives our Pastor the flexibility to help these people, if he feels it is appropriate. Your giving helps to fund this mission of our Church.
And of course, your giving, besides paying for the day-to-day operating expenses, continues to support the Facebook page that reaches many people who we do not know. Although our total revenues for the month of August did not quite cover all of the expenditures – we were only short by $111 – we still have a surplus for the year so far, so we are doing fine. Thank you for all of your support.
This is a place to list things you’re either looking for or are not needing anymore. Please email the church office: [email protected] or drop off the information in the office W-F, 9-noon if you have anything that you would like put it in the newsletter.
In need of:
Not needing anymore:
Ever wonder???
Ever wonder why the word funeral starts with FUN?
Why isn’t a Fireman called a Water-man?
How come Lipstick doesn’t do what it says?
If money doesn’t grown on trees, how come banks have branches?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a Humanitarian eat?
How do you get off a non-stop flight?
Why are goods sent by ship called CARgo and those sent by truck SHIPment?
Why do we put cups in the dishwasher and the dishes in the cupboard?
Why do doctors “practice” medicine? Are they having practice at the cost of the
Why is it called “Rush Hour” when traffic moves at its slowest then?
How come noses run and feet smell?
Why do they call it a TV “set” when there is only one?
What are you vacating when you go on a vacation?
Did you know that if you have What, When and Where and then replace the w’s
with t’s the questions are answered?
Church Contact Information
PO Box 125
Parachute CO 81635
[email protected]
Wednesday – Friday
9:00 – noon