Grand Valley United Methodist Church
April 2024 Newsletter
In this newsletter:
1. From the Pastor
2. Office closed
3. New Bible Study
4. Birthdays
5. Calendar
6. Group Details
7. Church Reports
8. Just for Fun
From the Pastor….
Tell the truth, do you watch any reality TV? You can see shows about people wanting to become an idol by singing or dancing. Other TV show are about survival, living together, trading wives/moms and losing weight. Who would have believed that people living in the United States would turn on their TV’s to watch regular people trying to show talent in so many ways?
Sometime back there was a successful series about losing weight. It was called “the biggest loser” it’s the one about losing weight. There are not too many laughs but you do see a lot of crying and sweating and yelling and pleading. Losing weight takes mental and physical retraining. Somehow we get into the pattern of eating in order to find comfort or relief from stress and lose any sense of balance in our lives. After years of practicing the same bad habits it’s hard to find different ways to live and to take up physical exercise.
It seems to me that the greatest thing the overweight people have to overcome is fear. I saw a short piece on a woman who was afraid of water, but needed to learn to swim to burn calories while taking the pressure of her weight off her knees and ankles. After weeks of working with a trainer they brought her family in to watch her swim across the pool. She looked confident and collected as she slowly swam along. Amazing!
The fear of water is no small fear. There is a real helplessness that comes from not being in control and knowing that you actually could drown. First you have to master the fear, and then slowly learn to take control over you environment. No wonder food looks so good and comforting when facing fear seems so impossible.
You know the answer for overcoming any obstacle in your life; trust God and take the first step. Every long journey starts with the first step, take one step at a time, and then learn to sing while you walk. When you fall get up, and if you need help, ask for it. Stop along the way and just look around. Find something to laugh at; you need the endorphins released in your head.
The prophet Jeremiah gives this promise in 31:13 “I will turn their mourning into joy; I will comfort them, and give them gladness for sorrow.” It comes with faith in action as you come to trust God and yourself. Take the first step. Find help and move past the fear. God bless you in the journey as you learn the joy of living.
The office will be closed the week of April 7th – Karen will be out of town. Regular office hours will resume on Wednesday, April 17th. We apologize for any inconvenience.
New Bible Study Starting on April 3
We will begin a new Bible Study on Wednesday, April 3rd titled Angels: Who They Are and How They Help, What the Bible Reveals. Please join us at 10:00 on Wednesdays.
April Birthdays:
9 – Cindi Smith
10 – Christina Seets
12 – Cindy Day
30 – Ken Carlson
Our Seekers Class(Adult Sunday School) meets every Sunday morning at 8:30. We invite all to attend.
On Tuesdays, at 10:30, we hold a Women of the Bible study. All are welcome to join.
Join us for Bible Study every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope you can join us.
Choir and bell practices are back! Choir meets at 4:00 on Wednesday and bells meet when needed. We are always looking for participants, so if you would like to join either of these wonderful musical groups, please contact the office at (970)285-9892 or by email: [email protected]
Prayer Partners meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 10:30. If you have anyone that you would like to add to the Prayer Partner list, please contact Bert Botkin at (970)216-8682.
Church Council Report
Church Council met on Tuesday, March 12th. Those attending: Penelope, Shawn, Dan, Michelle, Mary Jane, John C, Bert and Lee.
Treasurer: Penelope reported the excess cash in the checking account will be transferred to the money market. It was recommended that it be invested in a 13-month CD.
Finance: The annual audit has been done and signed off on.
Mission and Outreach: There will be an Easter brunch immediately following the worship. The decision to ask the Mefors to visit us has been tabled for now. Plans for the garden are in place.
Music: the choir will sing on Palm Sunday and the bells & choir will perform on Easter.
Trustees: A security system is being looked into. They are also continuing to deal with sewer problems in the Faith House.
SPRC: Committee needs to get together with Michael when he returns to discuss future projections.
Education: VBS plans are coming along.
Memorial: A stone was purchased for Mitzi Burkhart.
Worship: Plans are set for Maundy Thursday.
Old business: The Care Team is functioning and meeting once a month. They will be called Ambassadors.
New business: Bert noticed our church listed in a Group of Reformation Churches – this will be looked into.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, April 9th, 2:00 p.m.
In the BLACK is GOOD
February was a good month as the Church ended up in the black. This was even though giving was below budget. Then again, budgets are guesses as to when money will come in and out. For the first two months of 2024, the Church was also in the black. Thank you for your support.
The long-term investment added $3,400, which was a nice increase. We have an Alpine Bank CD that matures at the end of March that is going to be renewed for a thirteen-month term at 4.65% APY. This rate is down a bit from the 5% APY it was receiving, but it is anticipated that rates will drop before a five-month CD would mature, so the 4.65% will be locked in for thirteen months.
The statements will be posted on the bulletin board. If you review them and have any questions, please feel free to call me at 231-383-0488 or catch me after Church. – Penelope
Why We Love Children
– I was driving with my 3 young children one warm summer evening when a woman in the convertible ahead of us stood up and waved. She was stark naked! As I was reeling from the shock, I heard my 5-year-old shout from the back seat, “Mom, that lady isn’t wearing a seat belt!”
– On the first day of school, a new starter handed his teacher a note from his mother. The note read, “The opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of his parents.”
– A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup out of the jar. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her 4-year-old daughter to answer the phone. “Mommy can’t come to the phone to talk to you right now. She’s hitting the bottle.”
– A little boy got lost at the YMCA and found himself in the women’s locker room. When he was spotted, the room burst into shrieks, with ladies grabbing towels and running for cover. The little boy watched in amazement and then asked, “What’s the matter, haven’t you ever seen a little boy before?”
More next month…
Church Contact Information
PO Box 125
Parachute CO 81635
[email protected]
Wednesday – Friday
9:00 – noon