Grand Valley United Methodist Church
March 2021 Newsletter
In this newsletter:
1. Returning to in-person worship
2. Church Growth Training for all
3. Crucible Course: After Christendom Coming
4. Easter Week Worship Times
5. Vacation Bible Study this Summer
6. Birthdays
7. Notes and Reminders
8. Calendar
9. Event Details
10. Church Reports
11. Just for Fun
12. Church contact info
We will be returning to in-person worship starting Sunday, March 7th
Service will start at 9:00 a.m. with the following safety protocols:
• Please wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, maintain social distancing
• Please enter through the front red doors and exit through the back office doors
• Ushers will check your name off on the member list for contact tracing
• Guest will need to complete an information card for follow up and contact tracing
• Greeters will welcome people at the door and ushers will show people to their seat
• The chairs are arranged in sets of two, an usher will add chairs to larger parties
• Pairs of chairs are arranged 6-feet apart, please leave chairs where they are placed
• At the end of worship, ushers will dismiss from the back of the church first working forward. Please wait until you are dismissed to help maintain social distancing.
• Bulletins and communion elements will be distributed by ushers wearing gloves
We look forward to seeing you all again to worship together in person!
Everyone’s A Planter: Lay Planter Training
Who among us doesn’t like to take in the beauty of a spring garden blooming to a new life after a hard, long winter? Many of us don’t just want to see a garden. We want to plant one — to plot out where the tomatoes and beans will go, buy the seeds, and get our hands deep into the fertile soil. I believe that the instinct to plant something new goes beyond the garden. It’s a needed instinct within our churches and communities. So I am inviting you, the laity in the Mountain Sky Conference, to consider how you can become a new ministry planter. Maybe that new thing is a ministry within your congregation, or perhaps it is even an emerging faith community. Join us on March 6, 10 a.m., for an orientation about ‘Everyone’s A Planter: Lay Planter Training” offered by Path1 and Discipleship Ministries for the Mountain Sky Conference.
It has felt like a long, hard winter for our church. Many of our congregations are experiencing decline, our denomination division, our world distress. So, now is the perfect time to begin plans to plant something new — a new ministry to reach new people in our communities and bless them with the love of Christ Jesus. After all, only the amateur gardener waits for the warm days of Spring to begin their work.
Have you dreamed of ways to expand opportunities for people to engage in faith-building activities? We offer you tools to help with creating new ministries. Laity as well as clergy can be empowered to grow new faith communities within our conference as we reclaim our commitment to the priesthood of all believers. Several of our congregations have devoted, spiritually-minded laypersons currently serving as their pastoral leaders, while many others have laity leading their churches in other ways. We are reminded of the roots of the Methodist movement, where many laity and a handful of clergy planted Methodist societies across England and the United States of America.
“Everyone’s A Planter: Lay Planter Training” is a self-paced online course where participants watch videos, read short articles, respond to questions, and enter into a learning dialog with each other and with a moderator — someone with planting experience chosen as a guide and mentor to respond to questions, invite participants to consider more profound questions, and help with creating a ministry plan for the new ministry or new faith community being dreamed. Participants are expected to:
– participate in the FREE orientation on March 6 to learn more about the training program,
– pay $100 registration fee to begin the course (the conference will reimburse half upon completion of the training),
– complete the online lessons and discussion between March 20 and June 19,
– meet at least twice with your cohort and mentor, and
– via Zoom, briefly present a ministry plan at the end of the course, on June 19.
Are you interested in learning more about the course? Register for the FREE orientation on March 6, 10 a.m. Do you have questions you want to be addressed before March 6?
Please email your questions to [email protected], and we will try to respond promptly. Let’s plant something new for God’s world and God’s church together.
The church is looking for a few good people to take this course and will pay the $100 fee. Please contact J.R. if you are interested!
Crucible Course: After Christendom Coming
Christians across western culture are facing profound challenges and fresh opportunities. The long era of ‘Christendom’ is coming to an end. We now live in a plural society, with multiple religious options alongside the prevailing secular assumptions. Christianity has lost its position of dominance and privilege, and churches are on the margins of society. Although we seem to be declining in numbers and influence, this context offers many new possibilities – if we have the courage and imagination to grasp them.
Sessions on previous After Christendom modules have included:
What was Christendom, and why might we be interested?
What is Post-Christendom, and how do we respond?
Group Bible study: church in Exile? Psalm 137; Jeremiah 29
Reading the Bible after Christendom: what if Jesus meant what he said?
Group Bible study: a paradigm shift? Acts 11:1-18
Jesus, mission, and church
Group work: Tension points?
The twilight zone: living between paradigms
All four seminars will be hosted on Zoom:
April 14, 28, 12, 26: all meetings, 12 noon to 2:30 PM MT
Registration will open soon.
$50 per participant, due upon registration
Check out the Crucible Course brochure, or contact: Rev. Jeff Rainwater, Superintendent of Congregational and Community Vitality, Mountain Sky Conference at [email protected]
This event is sponsored by:
Urban Expression (,
The Incarnate Network (, in association with Rural Ministries (
And hosted by:
The Baltimore Washington Conference ( and
The Mountain Sky Conference ( of The United Methodist Church (
Yours in Christ,
Annie & Jeff
Annie Arnoldy
Director of Connectional Ministry and
Superintendent of Leadership Development
Jeff Rainwater
Superintendent of Congregational & Community Vitality
4 Easter Week Worship Opportunities
During Holy Week, March 29 through April 4, there will be three opportunities to worship together and celebrate the Easter Season.
Sunday, March 28, 9:00-10:00 Palm Sunday
Thursday, April 1 – 6:30-7:00 Maunday Thursday Vespers
Friday, April 2 – 6:30-7:00 Good Friday Vespers
Sunday, April 4, 9:00-10:00 Easter Morning Worship
Palm Sunday falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, marks the first day of Holy Week, the last week of the Christian solemn season of Lent that precedes the arrival of Eastertide. It is called Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday for the palm branches that were used by people celebrating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.
Maundy Thursday is the Christian holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter. It commemorates the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles
Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday/ It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Great and Holy Friday, and Black Friday.
Easter, also called Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day after his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. It is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus, preceded by Lent, a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance.
Vacation Bible School is coming back to the Grand Valley United Methodist Church, June 14-18, 9:00 a.m.- noon every day (Covid permitting).
We will need several volunteers to assist us in putting on our VBS program, Rocky Railway. Training will be provided for this energetic, fast-moving program which includes singing and dancing.
If you are interested in joining us for a fun-filled week working with elementary and pre-school children, contact Bonnie Gana at (720)917-4355 or Deb Penrose at (303)304-7286.
Let’s all help our VBS become a success in providing our neighborhood children an opportunity to learn about Jesus by participating in a fun experience.
March Birthdays:
9 – Charles Thompson
15 – Karen Dornan
20 – JR Atkins
Just a reminder that we would love for you to keep us up-to-date on any changes you have: phone, address, email….. We don’t want to lose touch!
Also, if you are receiving the newsletter by mail and would prefer to get it by email, please be sure to get us your email address and ask to be put on the email list.
To make any of these changes/updates, you can either call (970)285-9892 and leave a message, or email us at [email protected]
The office has updated church directories. If you would like to get one, please stop by the office during regular office hours and Karen will be glad to get you one or she can email you one.
The next UMW meeting will be held on Thursday, March 4th at 10:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Please wear a mask and practice social distancing. We hope you can join us!
Prayer Partners meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 10:00. If you have anyone that you would like to add to the Prayer Partner list, please contact the office at (970)285-9892 or send an email to: [email protected]
Our Emmaus Reunion Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday at 9:00. If you have ever gone on a Walk to Emmaus, you are welcome to join us! Please be sure to wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Our Bible Study group meets every Wednesday at 10:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Lively discussions usually occur! We welcome anyone who would like to join us on Wednesdays. Please wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Our Bell Choir and Choir have rehearsals on Wednesdays – Bells at 4:00 and Choir at 5:00. We are always looking for participants, so if you would like to join either of these wonderful musical groups, please contact the office at (970)285-9892 or by email: [email protected]
UMW Report
The February 4th meeting was called to order by President Michelle Foster. Thanked the new officers for agreeing to serve.
The program was presented by Bert Botkin, called Knitted Together. We had a discussion of how we are working with the worldwide UMW.
Devotional was given by Betty Birdsill
Discussion ensued about a possible Rummage Sale to raise funds for UMW projects. Committee heard about VBS and pledged support to help.
Minutes and Treasurer reports approved.
Church Council Report
The regularly scheduled meeting of the GVUMC Council was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Chairman Ron Olson. In attendance were: JR Atkins, Fred Inman, Grace Reuter, Ted Birdsill, Bert Botkin, Laurel Koning and Michelle Foster. A quorum was established. Michelle volunteered to take the minutes in Penelope’s absence.
Pastor Atkins opened the meeting with prayer.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the January meeting were published in the February Newsletter. There being no addition or corrections, it was moved by Ted and seconded by Fred to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Penelope forwarded the financial statements to the Council for review. After a short discussion, it was moved by Fred and seconded by Grace to approve the report. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Trustees – Fred reported that the back door to the church has been repaired and no longer sticks.
Worship – The committee has not yet met this month but they are ready to move forward with in-person services as soon as the go ahead is given. Ash Wednesday Drive-by is scheduled for February 17th from 3-6 p.m. in the front parking area.
Relaunch – Garfield Count’s positivity rate has dropped considerably and so March 7th we can plan to resume in-person services under the same constraints as we were under before the last shutdown. Fellowship time will not yet resume.
Mission & Outreach – Missions met with Claudia Cruz from the Family Resource Center and she mentioned that they are in need for clothing, especially children’s clothes, quarantine boxes and basic hygiene bags. Clothing items can be dropped off at the Resource Center, canned goods, etc, can be brought to the church and hygiene bags can be put together and brought to the church. Money can also be contributed and Missions will do the purchasing and assemble the bags. A basic bag can be put together for about $8.
SPRC -Ted reported the SPRC has not yet met this year but will probably meet this month. They are required to meet 4 times a year.
Finance – no report
Pastor’s Report – When in-person services resume the expectation is that we will continue going forward with “hybrid worship”, that being a combination of on-line and in-person worship. Currently about 50-60 persons are checking in on-line and about 2/3 of those are new worshipers.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Mission & Outreach Report
At our recent meeting in early February, we asked Claudia Flores Cruz from the Family Resource Center to join us and update us on their areas of needs. She outlined three areas. They need clothes for their monthly Clothing Giveaway, quarantine boxes (food such as canned foods, pasta, etc.) and basic hygiene bags.
Clothing – The Family Resource Center holds a clothing giveaway once a month. At that time, they roll all of the clothes out onto the sidewalk where clients can take what they need. Dates are February 24th, March 17th, April 28th, and May 26th. Donations would have to be dropped off (you can leave them at door if not answered) at least two days prior to each distribution date. They will wash everything prior to distribution dates.
Quarantine boxes – These comprise of canned goods, macaroni/pasta sugar flour, cereal, powdered milk, bread and other items. These boxes are assembled on an as-needed basis..
Basic hygiene bags – These bags would include toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand soap, shampoo, conditioner and hand sanitizer. Laurel recently made a trip to the Dollar Store in Rifle and was able to purchase these all items for $8.
We urge the congregation to keep their hearts open to the huge number of individuals that are homeless, without food for their children, and have no access to all of those things that we readily have available to us.
If you would like to donate any of the above items, please get them to the church and we will handle from there. If you would prefer giving a donation, please send your check to the church with the notation Family Resource Center in the byline. Any and all funds received will be used for either the quarantine boxes or the hygiene bags.
As always, our continuing support for our community is proof of our love for one another.
Treasurer Report
We are off to a good start. In a year where we are anticipating a large deficit, it was nice to look at the financial statements and actually see that there was enough revenue in January to cover all of our expenditures with some left over. Some of it was non-cash revenue in that we had received last year that was meant for this year’s pledge and was recognized this month, but even without that, we still had some revenue to spare. It was a very nice start to the year, and I must admit, unexpected on my part. Thank you.
Our investments held steady, which was also nice. We paid out over $1,600 for Grand Valley Givers gifts, but still have a good balance in that account. The committee did a great job of stretching your donations.
Anytime you would like to look at the financial statements, please let me know. I have them in PDF form and can email them to you, or if you are not a computer user, I would be happy to send them to you. Just email ([email protected]) or call me (970-383-0488). I’ll be happy to oblige.
Things you didn’t know you had to know!
– February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.
– In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
– If the population of China walked past you, in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
– Leonardo da Vinci invented the scissors.
– Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.
Church Contact Information
PO Box 125
Parachute CO 81635
[email protected]